We moved to a pellet stove insert mid winter last year, and loved it but always found the heating to not be as impactful as we wanted.
I have been researching and testing methods to push/pull heat around the house once generated by the stove and think I’ve finally found the method that works best.
Immediately above our stove is a 13 ft vaulted ceiling with a fan. Researched it, and found that our fan has a switch to change the direction of blade spinning. By changing it from counter clockwise to clockwise we are now pulling the heat down from the top of the ceiling and pushing it towards the floor.
A more scientific, non heat-push/pull novice would’ve collected more scientific data about speed and persistence of this method. Subjectively I’m now seeing higher temps faster in our further rooms and sweating while sitting in the immediate room with the heat source.
Economically efficient heating here we come!